Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Background Information

It was two thousand years ago that the Sami people were assumed to have inhabited what is present-day Finland. Their family groups (siida) were built on unity and natural resources. Some lived the nomadic lifestyle, traveling from place to place. These nomads are the most well known because of the reindeer breeding that they made so popular. They followed wherever the reindeer went. Whereas others chose a more permanent and stable lifestyle. It was the more settled Sami that made their living off of fishing.Since hunting and fishing were what the Sami based their livelihood off of, trading with fellow tribes was a vital key to survival. The leader of such groups was typically the eldest man or woman of the group. It was he/she that chose where the siida would go and who would do what jobs. This wisdom of these elders combined with the will of the gods was what society rested on.


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